The Frontal Lobe

What is the frontal lobe?

The frontal lobe is the "control panel" of our personalities and our abilities to communicate. The frontal lobe controls many things such as...

  • Language
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Judgement
  • Problem Solving 
  • Emotional Expression
  • Memory
  • Behavior
The frontal lobe is also primarily responsible for our motor functions of our muscles and the two key area's of speech which includes the Broca's area.

The left hemisphere of the frontal lobe controls the right side of the body and vice versa. 

The frontal lobe is also the most common place for injury to occur in the brain. Damage to this part of the brain can cause changes in personality, limited facial expressions and the inability to assess risk and danger. 

Below is a picture of where the frontal lobe is located. 


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